Opening Session

ICDD Program

13.30 - 14.15
Opening Session
Opening remarks by H.E. Retno Marsudi,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
14.15 - 15.35
Countries Review
Digital Diplomacy for Crisis Management
Digital Diplomacy in the New Era of Opportunities
15.50 - 16.50
Panels Session (Via Zoom)
Panel 1: Inclusive Digital Economy: Benefits and Challenges
Panel 2: Digital Innovations for the SME’s
Panel 3: Making Sense of Data and Digital Diplomacy
Panel 4: Big Data and Crisis Management
16.50 - 17.20
Closing Ceremony

Countries Review

In this opening session, each country will be given the opportunity to deliver remarks on two following topics:

Digital Diplomacy for Crisis Management – a general statement and overview of the experience in managing the crisis through diplomacy during the pandemic 

Digital Diplomacy in the New Era of Opportunities – a general statement and overview of how to improve the use of digital diplomacy in trade, tourism, investment, and culture in the future